Understanding and Managing Tooth Sensitivity

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understanding and managing tooth sensitivity

Do you experience sharp pain in your teeth when you eat or drink hot or cold foods? This might happen due to tooth sensitivity. It’s a common problem that many people face. Understanding sensitive teeth, their causes, and how to manage them will help you to properly care for your teeth and reduce your discomfort.

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity is a condition wherein the teeth hurt or are sensitive upon contact with hot, cold, sweet, or sour food and drinks. You may even experience pain when you brush or rinse your mouth with mouthwash. The pain arises as a result of exposed or irritated nerves inside the teeth.

Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

The following are some of the causes that may make your teeth sensitive.

  • Worn tooth enamel: This is the tough outer layer of your teeth that keeps them protected. When the enamel in your teeth has worn away, the inner part of your tooth called dentin gets exposed. Dentin, a softer layer compared to enamel, when exposed results in tooth sensitivity.
  • Recession of gums: Gums help protect the root of the tooth. Gums that have pulled away from teeth can expose the roots, which can increase teeth sensitivity, particularly to hot or cold foods or drinks.
  • Cavities: These are tiny holes in teeth caused by tooth decay. If the cavity gets close to the nerve inside the tooth, it can cause sensitivity.
  • Grinding of teeth: Some people grind their teeth at night often. Grinding teeth at night can lead to wearing away the enamel and thus result in sensitivity in their teeth.
  • Cracked teeth: A crack in a tooth can allow nerves inside the tooth to be exposed, thus causing aches when you eat or drink.
  • Recent dental work: Sometimes, after dental procedures like whitening, fillings, deep cleaning, and more, your teeth might feel sensitive. This happens because the dentist works near the dentin, the layer underneath the enamel. The dentin can become exposed during these treatments, leading to increased sensitivity.

Tips to Manage Tooth Sensitivity

Here are some of the ways to manage tooth sensitivity efficiently:

  • Use a soft-bristled toothbrush: A toothbrush with soft bristles is gentler on your teeth and your gums. This will not cause further wearing of the enamel and reduce teeth sensitivity.
  • Use desensitizing toothpaste: There are toothpastes made especially for sensitive teeth. These toothpastes contain components that block pain signals sent to the nerves of your teeth.
  • Avoid consumption of acidic foods and drinks: Acidic foods and drinks, such as citrus fruits and acidic drinks, wear away enamel. Reducing their consumption can help to reduce tooth sensitivity and support good oral hygiene.
  • Do not brush too hard: Brushing teeth too hard will wear away the enamel, which can result in recession of the gums. It is recommended that you brush your teeth gently and in circular motions.
  • Use fluoride rinse: Fluoride helps strengthen the enamel and reduces teeth sensitivity. Professionals recommend using a fluoride mouthwash to clean the mouth.
  • Mouthguard: If you grind your teeth at night, it is recommended that you wear a mouthguard to protect your teeth from further damage.
  • Visit a dentist regularly: Regular dental checkups will help to detect and treat dental problems earlier. Your dentist can recommend specific treatments to resolve tooth sensitivity.

When to Visit a Dentist?

If your tooth sensitivity does not improve with these tips, then visit a dentist right away. A dentist is able to detect the source of tooth sensitivity and the right treatment to resolve it. Sometimes, you may need a dental procedure to treat the problem.

Your dentist may recommend one of the following treatments in certain cases:

  • Fluoride treatments: These help to strengthen enamel and reduce tooth sensitivity.
  • Dental bonding: A special material is used to coat an exposed area of the tooth to protect it.
  • Root canals: If the sensitivity is caused by severe decay or nerve injury, a root canal procedure may be required.

Get Relief from Tooth Sensitivity at Mount Royal Dental Today!

If you have tooth sensitivity, Mount Royal Dental is here to help you relieve pain. Our friendly dentist in Saskatoon will evaluate your dental problem and treat it. We aim to offer a comfortable environment during your visit to our dental clinic. Don’t let tooth sensitivity affect your life. Schedule an appointment with us today to get relief from dental problems and protect your smile